Why do I need it?
The service allows you to author content of your website in MS Word editor or similar office application. Your document sections become the pages of the site.
Forget all of the awkward online editing tools, use proven robust Word, OpenOffice, Pages to author your website content.
Forget all of the awkward online editing tools, use proven robust Word, OpenOffice, Pages to author your website content.
Turn Word document into a website
- Edit and save your file.
- Upload your document file to the service and wait for it to complete.If Yandex.Disk connection is enabled simply press Get my file from Yandex.DiskIf you use Dropbox or OneDrive, choose a file and press Get my file from Dropbox/OneDrive
- The service will turn your document into website. Properly formatted headlines will turn into section titles. See how to format headlines properly.
Where to begin?
You can start with this DOCX template or ODT file template. The maximum size of the document file for direct upload: 15 MB, for fetching via Yandex.Disk: 15 MB, Dropbox: 15 MB.
Which Text Editors can I use?
Use Word, Google Docs, ONLYOFFICE, WPS-office, OpenOffice, Pages, Zoho Docs or FreeOffice
Download the document template→Edit the document→Upload back to the Service..
How to form the document with MS Word?
Use heading styles to specify the level of structure. Your headings should have a level of structure: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc. Properly formated headings will turn into website sections.
See how to save from MS Word, WPS-office, ONLYOFFICE. Further you can open and edit the ODT file.
If you use ODT format
Do not set the heading level via the option in the context menu Paragraph — this setting may be lost when saved in ODT.See how to save from MS Word, WPS-office, ONLYOFFICE. Further you can open and edit the ODT file.
How to form the document with ONLYOFFICE?
Set heading styles: Заголовок 1, Заголовок 2, Заголовок 3, etc.
How to form the document with OpenOffice or LibreOffice?
Set the heading level of structure via the option in the context menu Paragraph: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc.
You can export your Pages document to Word
File→Export to→Word. Note the Pages and MS Word formats compatibility table, as well as the list of Microsoft Office functions that supported by Pages at Apple's website.
You can export your Zoho Docs document to Word
File→Save As→Word. You can export your document to ODT as well: File→Save As→Open Document Text (.odt)
What document formats are supported?
Service has support for widely used DOCX and ODT (OpenDocument Text) formats. ODT is a part of the ODF (Open Document Format) standardThe Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF), also known as OpenDocument, is a ZIP-compressed XML-based file format for spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. It was developed with the aim of providing an open, XML-based file format specification for office applications.